Tell us a little about your experience

A man in a jackeet and blue tie tries to get a job in his interview with bank center managerMany job applicants would underestimate this question. But you should realize that we, the interviewers, can actually learn a lot about you, from every answer.

For example, we ask you to tell us a little about your experience. Many job applicants do not notice this important word in the question. They start talking about all jobs they have ever had. It is a clear sign that they do not listen carefully, that they do not talk to the point–something a good personal banker can not afford to do in their job…

Questions such as introduce yourself in ten words, tell us a little about your experience, or describe yourself using three adjectives only, are all about the same. Can you follow an order exactly? Do you listen carefully? Do you do exactly what you are supposed to do?

Focus on the important jobs, and the value

Back to the original question we analyze right now. You can speak about your experience in different ways. Some people would name the working duties, some other would talk about their salary and their former colleagues, and someone would complain and explain why they left that job.

However, the best option is to talk about your principal duties, the value you brought to your past employer with your work, and one or two most important lessons you learned in your career, lessons that prepared you for a job of a banker.

No experience – what to talk about?

Everyone has to start their career at some point. If you have no real working experience, you can talk about volunteering, summer jobs, or anything else you did in the past. Show them that you know what it means to have a job, to wake up to work every morning, to be a part of a team….

* Check my eBook, the Personal Banker Interview Guide, to see great sample answers to this question, and to all other tough questions, and to learn how to flourish in a role play in your interview. You will need this knowledge to succeed, and to outclass the other job candidates who will compete with you for the job.

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